Chatham Snowsports Centre – Reopening July 4th
Following updated advice from HM Government on the new guidelines for outdoor facilities John Nike Leisuresport Ltd have decided that it will start a phased re-opening of its sites beginning on Saturday 4th July 2020 with Chatham Snowsports Centre.
The Centres’ team remains grateful for your support of the business throughout this period of closure. The Centre will start to communicate with all customers and clubs during the next few weeks.
There will be new ways of operating the Centre including more options to pre-book many of the activities on-line. This option will be available approximately one week before the re-opening date. Not all activities will be available straight away. We are currently re-assessing all the Centres operations in accordance with new Health and Safety guidelines and updating these as more is understood.
Should you need to communicate with the Centre please contact us via e-mail or our other social media channels and we will try to respond as soon as possible.
We will continue to make regular reviews and update accordingly in line with HM Government advice but please note we will always prioritise the health and safety of the Centre’s staff, customers and all partner organisations as we have always done.
We look forward to seeing you at the Centre soon.
Andy Rushton – Centre Manager